Saturday, July 19, 2014

WebQuest update - for students

Hi Everyone,
  I hope you are enjoying your weekend!  On Monday in class we will be completing the first portion of the WebQuest I mentioned on Friday.  A WebQuest is an online inquiry activity with a specific Essential Question (EQ) and a series of activities you will need to complete both independently and collaboratively with individuals in your class.  All of the information you will need to complete the activity will be found throughout various websites I have embedded into the WebQuest.  There will be a task described, a step by step procedure to follow, the rubric outlining expectations for the assignment and a culminating activity for you to demonstrate your learning.

This particular WebQuest will focus on our current unit on Survivors. 

 The EQ for this WebQuest will be : What makes someone a survivor?
 I will be asking you to use the following ALEs*  : KP, SIP, CW, SDL, CT.

Within the Survivor WebQuest you will be applying the information we have already covered in class about various survivors.  You will have to research additional survivors and learn about their stories.  You will need to begin to develop what you believe are the characteristics of a survivor and you will be creating a video and explanation to demonstrate your answer to the essential question.  

When you come to class on Monday, I will provide you with more information and when we have all completed our Quest, I will share with you my own person answer to the EQ as well.  

I look forward to seeing all of you on Monday to begin our new adventure in WebQuest!!

Ms Dunham

* ALE - Academic Learner Expectations embedded into all school wide activities
** ALEs listed - Knowledgeable Person, Skilled Information Processor, Collaborative Worker, Self-Directed Learner and Complex Thinker